Friday, December 14, 2012

What's wrong with the second amendment?


Second Amendment What Should be Changed?

         The second amendment protects your freedom to bear arms. This is nice and all you can protect yourself and go hunting. Guns were invented long ago with muskets and rifles. But, today they are just as dangerous but even more. There are semi automatic weapons out there that are dangerous and people can get their hands on. We are not in the good old' days when semi automatic weapons were not around and you had to reload every time. This is 2012 a modern society filled with technology and such.


           Weapons that people have used for bad have increased just this year. There was a shooting in aurora Colorado at the midnight screening of the dark night rises. It was a sad tragedy that 12 people were killed and 58 were injured. The shooting was done with a semi-automatic rifle. Then a shooting that occurred at an Oregon mall this winter was a sad story too. The man killed two and himself and could have killed more had his gun had not jammed. Both of these guns were illegally obtained.


         I feel that better monitoring of semi automatic guns and guns in general. That would be more of an improvement. It would make the United States a safer place. Also I feel that if you were to buy a semi automatic weapon you have to have a psychological evaluation done. This would be to see if you are safe and will not use it for the wrong reasons. I feel that getting a gun permit is okay but I feel this would really help crack down on gun violence. I am not saying get rid of guns all together then all people would do is go out and by something just as dangerous, to commit a violent act with. I, also feel people have the right to defend themselves. But, not with a weapon that is used in the military. So that is how I feel the amendment could be improved.



-Alex Politically Incorrect-


Monday, October 8, 2012

           Well I really dont know how to begin this. Well, Let me tell you what this will be about. I will be comparing the two poltitical parties democratic and republican. Also the parts of the platform that are unique to itself. How successful is the political party in adressing the platform to the people. The first paragragh will be about the democrats.

    So let me start with the democrats. First they say that they want to provide the middle class relief. Also, they say they will use 50 billion dolalrs to help jumpstart the economy. The democrats feel that they need to provide americans with affordable and comprehensive healthcare. Also, they feel that no one should have to worry about losing there health insurance. That healthcare should be shared among goverment and providers of the insurance. They also want to provide cleaner forms of energy like solar and wind power.

     The repulicans have a different view on everything. Romney stated in the recent political debate "I like coal". That is what he said. They also want to pull the plug on americas energy dependece which the current administration has failed to do. They want to preserve and protect traditional marrage. The republicans want to repeal obamacare.

 I feel That both partys address the american people very well. So far there has already been on televised debate. Also, People discuss things on twitter a lot after debates and things like that. Also, they did the same on facebook.  I feel both do well there will be another debate this thursday.

                                                                                Alex Politically Incorrect

Thursday, September 6, 2012

                          What Can be said about political cartoons??

               National debt is such a big topic or so I think it is. 16 trillion dollars is how much we the United States of America are in. I think this a funny political cartoon it really grabs me. It has a dinosaur ripping the roof of the building where the democratic national convention is being held. I feel this is Ironic because, this dinosur is disturbing the democratic convention where Barack obama is. He help create even more of this debt not get rid of it.
              I feel this political cartoon will make people think about national debt. It is such a big problem the democrats cant avoid it now. With the democratic national convention happened just recently this is new. But,this is a pretty funny one.
                   This political cartoon is funny to most people. This cartoon is ironic because lately everything Biden has said, has been technically wrong. So they sort of want to keep his mouth shut til  the election is over. Vp Biden has been saying thing that just don't make sense. The tape that is covering his mouth has stars and is patriotic, meaning he is here for the election,quietly.
           What it makes the readers feel is that Obama is in charge not Biden. People should listen to Obama if Biden wants him to get reelected. Obama is just giving him a helping hand with that tape.
                                                               Alex on Political cartoons.....

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My Reflection of politics

Politics Hmmm. What can be said about them? Well some may have something nice to say others may not. Politics it is like an industry that takes million of dollars to fund campaigns. It is sort of like a who knows who what are you going to bring to the game kind of deal. Some of these political people try to gain the pull of celebrities to help get some votes. Especially if it is some talk show queen or super action star. I have known some about politics at a young age.

I remember way back when in the nineties... Lol. I was watching Nicolodeon when all of the sudden this man came on the television with some announcement. Well his name was Bill Clinton and he was saying something about supporting kids and something else which had no effect on me. I remember George Bush was in office it was mentioned in my second yearbook I had ever received. It had him standing by a podium with the American flag behind him. Which sort of brought it into perspective. I don't feel whatever they did really had an effect on me. But, I do remember my parents discussing politics some.

It wasn't until my fourth grade year I remember my teacher Mrs.Spring talking about an election. We discussing what presidents were running. She also told us we would get to vote ourselves. Many of us wondered how we knew we weren't old enough. We all were allowed to vote in the mock election. I voted for George w Bush. So did many others in our election once the votes were tallied we found out George w Bush had won. It was very interesting.

I remember being in soccer practice and hearing my dad talk about gas prices. Also saying that the president was trying to lower them. Maybe it wasn't till later on that I remember more. I remember hearing in the eighth grade about President Obama. That he would be the first black president if he won. I remember this was the first time I recall my friends discussing politics. I also recall the votes being tallied he was the president of the united states. Many discussed his election. There was like this little chant I remember too.

My eighth grade year I went to Washington dc with my family. It is a busy city with many buildings that are based around government. I also saw the white house where the president lives his house is in the center of everything. It was a fun trip I also learned some very important info. There is a lot going on there .

My Sophomore year we stayed down in charelston for a geocache event. Which is where you take a gps and go on a scavenger hunt. We got to go on a hunt around the capital building and it's grounds. Which is where the governor lives. It is very nice there lots of museums to go to and learn more about the political history of Wv.

I must say my famly is not involved in politics directly. Although we do discuss them no one has ever really ran for something. Sometimes they bad talk politics and decisions the president makes but, it really doesnt go anywhere. I myself have ran in politics. I ran for class vice president just last year. It is a very competitive high stakes game. People try to outdo each other. You try to get people to vote for you by swaying their votes we used tootsie pops. In the long run we didnt win but, it was a fun experience.

Overall I find politics interesting in some ways. I like scandals those are the best to learn about. I think this class will be a good one and I hope to learn a lot.