Friday, December 14, 2012

What's wrong with the second amendment?


Second Amendment What Should be Changed?

         The second amendment protects your freedom to bear arms. This is nice and all you can protect yourself and go hunting. Guns were invented long ago with muskets and rifles. But, today they are just as dangerous but even more. There are semi automatic weapons out there that are dangerous and people can get their hands on. We are not in the good old' days when semi automatic weapons were not around and you had to reload every time. This is 2012 a modern society filled with technology and such.


           Weapons that people have used for bad have increased just this year. There was a shooting in aurora Colorado at the midnight screening of the dark night rises. It was a sad tragedy that 12 people were killed and 58 were injured. The shooting was done with a semi-automatic rifle. Then a shooting that occurred at an Oregon mall this winter was a sad story too. The man killed two and himself and could have killed more had his gun had not jammed. Both of these guns were illegally obtained.


         I feel that better monitoring of semi automatic guns and guns in general. That would be more of an improvement. It would make the United States a safer place. Also I feel that if you were to buy a semi automatic weapon you have to have a psychological evaluation done. This would be to see if you are safe and will not use it for the wrong reasons. I feel that getting a gun permit is okay but I feel this would really help crack down on gun violence. I am not saying get rid of guns all together then all people would do is go out and by something just as dangerous, to commit a violent act with. I, also feel people have the right to defend themselves. But, not with a weapon that is used in the military. So that is how I feel the amendment could be improved.



-Alex Politically Incorrect-


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