Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Blog Your Brains Out

                                                                      blog your brains out

                Sometimes, I should say many times I find myself trying to figure out what to say on this blog. It's a political blog so that sort of narrows it down, but at least I get topics to blog about. Though I know we have talked about the topics or I have read about them, but what to say. One thing is for sure only one more day then spring break starts. Woohoo! I am completely an totally ready for it. It will be a nice little break from all of the stress of being a High school senior. A little break from it all English papers to Morse code class uh I mean math class. Laugh out loud. It'll be nice. Now time to get back on track and talk about politics.

     The District courts versus the circuit courts. Interesting if I do say so myself. The district court has ninety four courts while the circuit court has 13 courts. They both have different types of cases. The district courts has general trials and questions on general laws. The circuit court on the other hand have appeals on trials already completed. There is one judge that is used per each case in the district court. While, the circuit court uses a three judge appellate panel. District courts deal with many different cases from divorce cases to felonies. The circuit court deals with cases that are being appealed. Circuit courts are very influential because they set the legal precedent. In all cases they usually start out at district court and move up to the circuit court level after a while.

     Last but certainly not least, Judicial Restraint versus Judicial activism. These are two forms of legal and constitutional representation used to make a decision. Judicial activism is usually when personal or political ideologies are used to make a decision. Usually accusations that go with this is that the court overstepped the boundaries. While judicial restraint is when the court should uphold all acts of congress and state legislatures unless they are violating a constitution. Judicial restraint helps to preserve a balance between the branches of government. Those are some of the differences between them.

     I hope everyone enjoyed this post. Have a great easter and a great spring break.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Cut the defecit

         The budget the spending budget for the national government is a big one. They are spending tons of money everyday on things that could be cut. Also, everytime they increase the budget the defecit goes up more and more. So do you think you can cut the defecit. In the next few paragraphs you will see the results compared amongst the clasroom. As well as the things I cut and why I cut them.
       One of the things I thought that should be cut is the Iraq and afghanistan wars budget. It seems like we were putting so much in there. Increased the veterans and retired military pension plans because I felt that if they fought for the country then they should have benefits. I cut 89.22 billion from military spending. I felt that International affairs were important so I left them the same. I kept many things the same and increased some ever so slightly. I cut agriculture by 2.59 billion. I increased transportation by 7 billion because I felt that if we had more eco friendly transportation , then our country would be better off. Also education was increased because, I felt that educated Americans were important for the future.
      I cut non-medicare health expenses and increased medicare spending. I also increased aid to lower income families. Which could be an important demagraphic in getting votes. I inceased social security because, I felt that the elderley may just move to a different country for social security still help. In the end I cut the defecit by 48 billion.

    Overall the class all cut military expenses. We also all cut Iraq and Afghanistan war operations. Many of us increased Veteran and retired military programs. But, one of us cut it. Overall I do not feel that we could all come up with a consensus. But, we possibly could I mean looking at the data we all have our own ideas and such. Really the whole idea is you can cut the budget , but can you make it work. Differences do exist. I don't really know how congress would  do it.