Friday, April 19, 2013

Major Social Welfare Programs

Opinions we  all  have them.So for this blog I will be writing about Social welfare programs and how I feel about them.

How do I feel about social security? Social Security is considered a social insurance. People who are retired receive monthly payments of social security. Social security is funded by payroll tax on employees and employers.

   I feel that social security is good how it is. The program helps people who are retired pay for bills and things like that. Though I feel that if people want to have a part time job while they are retired than they can. Even thoughthey will have a part time job they should still be able to get social security.

    Food stamps, they are coupons that the state provides to buy food with. Food stamps are a means tested program. They are helpful and can help a poor family stay well fed. Especially if the family is not without work.

I feel that a proposal should be put in place for food stamps. I have heard about people giving people food stamps in return for cash payment. Then the people who the food stamps originally belong too use the cash to buy things that could possibly be illegal. I feel that in order to fix this problem people who use food stamps should have to provide receipt for their purchases. Also as I know of two states require drug testing to people who have food stamps. I feel that other states should look into this.

    The last topic I want to discuss in this blog is about Children's Health Insurance Program otherwise known as CHIPs. Which is a means tested program. I do not know much about this program. Though I know it helps children of poorer families. This program is funded by federal and state revenues.

    I feel that what is currently going on with CHIPs is good. I feel that everyone has the right to medical help especially if you are a child in need of any assistance. This is a good program and I think it should stay around.

    So overall there are programs that are good and are bad. They all have positive and negative effects. Please take no offense ;  to these for they are just my personal opinions.

                          P.S. April showers bring May flowers.

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